As you know, the theoretical education at our environmental school is an important basis of our school concept. However, the practical implementation is an indispensable part of the holistic education we strive for. (The numerous environmental projects that we realise with our students are examples of how we create the link to practice).
In December 2021/January 2022, we were able to set another important milestone and offer two of our senior high school students - Edy and Melando - an internship at one of the world's leading eco-resorts. Misool resort, located 200 km from us, focuses on sustainable, eco-friendly and high-level guest services with tourists from all over the world. We highly value the willingness to train these two young people for about a month in different areas of guest relations and do not take it for granted, especially considering the difficult conditions caused by the Covid pandemic. It is a sign of our much appreciated, trusting partnership with Misool.
The good news about the internship was received with a lot of joy and motivation, and that's exactly how the two tackled their assignment a short time later. Far away from home, mind you, which certainly fueled their nervousness and respect for the new task. This very exciting experience was quite challenging and the unfamiliar, varied daily routine held one or two challenges in store for the two. Contrary to their usually reserved nature, Edy and Melando had to learn how to approach people and serve them in English. They had never seen a cappuccino or espresso before, let alone prepared one. Cleaning the hotel rooms and decorating them with flowers were also among their absolute «firsts». During their work in the diving school, the two certified divers were able to put their acquired knowledge to the test.
In the end, the internship at Misool Eco Resort - far outside their comfort zone - was a valuable contribution to their personal development for Edy and Melando and a success all along the line. Richer in this experience and full of pride, they returned to their village and were warmly welcomed with a ceremonial celebration. We are very happy for and with the two boys and congratulate them on the successful completion of their internship.

Annual parents' meeting and start of a new chapter at the Child Aid Papua Environmental School
As every year, we invited our current students’ parents, the village government and school management of the primary school to our parents' meeting and were pleased to welcome a large audience. Since our school concept differs greatly from the conventional system in Raja Ampat, it is a great concern for us to inform the parents and their environment transparently and to encourage a constructive discussion and questions.
After the meeting, the parents were able to enroll their children, who are currently attending 6th grade, for our environmental school. We are very proud that all parents of the seven children from Sawinggrai and Kapisawar have decided to continue their children's education with us. This is an enormously appreciated sign of recognition for us.
In addition, we have received requests from the surrounding villages of Yenwapnor and Waisai again this year. With a heavy heart, we had to turn down six students because our available resources simply do not allow for more than ten students per class at the moment. However, we definitely want to tackle this challenge in the medium term. In order to address the increasing demand, additional teachers are planned. By the middle of this year, we hope to find additional staff who can meet our quality standards and at the same time are willing to teach in remote West Papua. This will enable us to increase our capacities so that, hopefully, we will not have to turn down any more children who are willing to study with us.
For the ten new junior high school students, however, classes will begin as early as June 2022 and with them a new chapter at Child Aid Papua's environmental school.
Book publication: Mira and Edo - Conservation Heroes of Raja Ampat
Our bilingual (German and English) environmental book «Mira and Edo – Conservation Heroes of Raja Ampat» is finally coming to Switzerland! In Indonesia, the book has already been successfully in use for several months - both at our environmental school and at more than ten different learning centres and libraries nationwide. Now, the story will also find its way into many Swiss children's rooms and classrooms.
The book is about Mira and Edo and how they look after certain sea creatures along their way.... It promotes awareness of our environment in a way that is appropriate for children. Mira and Edo show us how we can all make a significant contribution to the protection and healing of nature by taking eco-friendly measures.
A great, motivating story about the environment and at the same time an opportunity to learn a little English as well.
The story was written by volunteers for children and young people in Raja Ampat and it is accompanied by beautiful hand-painted pictures by a supporter of Child Aid Papua, Jasmine Kammermeyer. For the print, we were also supported with generous special conditions and practical help. Many thanks to Baeschlin Verlag Glarus for their support. The entire project of the book in Switzerland as well as in Indonesia would never have got off the ground without the financial support of the Rotary Club Glarus. At this point, we would like to express a huge thank you to all who have supported our book!
We hope that this successful educational tool will not only inspire children and young people in Raja Ampat but will soon find many more motivated readers in Switzerland who care about the beauty of our nature.
«Mira and Edo – Conservation Heroes of Raja Ampat» will be presented in Ziegelbrücke on World Book Day, 23rd April 2022. Come by and get a copy or order it directly from our webshop (available as of the end of April).
Child Aid Papua Health Care: the team is growing!
As our organisation grows, not only does our reputation increase, but so do our responsibilities. The islanders’ health has kept us quite busy in the past months. In addition to everyday minor ailments and wounds that we have been treating for years according to our means and possibilities, recent events have also shown how quickly a variety of different diseases spreads in these remote tropical regions. Many of those affected turn to us for support which is why we would like to professionalise the health care sector in the future, in order to address the increasing demand. We have therefore decided to create a position in the specialist area of health and nursing care.
On the one hand, treating the injured and caring for the sick will be essential parts of the task. Unfortunately, tuberculosis, the immunodeficiency disease HIV, malaria, typhoid, hepatitis and even leprosy are still widespread here. On the other hand, the main tasks will also be of preventive nature and topics such as malnutrition, hygiene and contraception or family planning will be in the foreground as well.
We are pleased to announce that we were able to recruit a young, well-educated and committed Indonesian with work experience in West Papua. She has already started and will enrich the team from mid-April 2022. Another important milestone for Child Aid Papua!